Saturday, October 30, 2010

Appreciate An Amazing Flying Experience with Device Control Helicopters

So what is RC Helicopter really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about RC Helicopter--info you can use, not just the old stuff they used to tell you.

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of RC Helicopter is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about RC Helicopter.

Choosing your Helicopter Remote Controlled... Throttle and collective pitch of the main rotor blades is mixed together. As you advance the "throttle" stick of the radio controller, not only is the engine power increased, but the pitch of the main rotor blades is also added collectively to make the helicopter go up. Ideally, the proportion of throttle and rotor blade collective pitch is mixed so that the rotor head speed is always the same.
The tall rotor blades are there in the first place to counteract the torque created by the engine power used to turn the main rotor blades. Without a tail rotor the helicopter would just keep spinning around out of control. The pitch of the tail blades is controlled by you in order to tell the helicopter which direction it "faces."
The fore aft cyclic control changes the pitch of the main rotor blades only at one point around each 360 degree revolution of the rotor blades in cycles or cyclically. When this happens the helicopter will "nose up" or down in order to move the helicopter forward or backward. The axis about which the helicopter "noses up" or down is called "pitch" axis.
The left-right cyclic is the same as described for fore-aft cyclic except that the pitch of the main rotor blades changes at a different point throughout each 360 degree revolution in order to "bank" the helicopter to the right or left. The axis about which the helicopter banks is called the "roll" axis.
Imagine all this going on around 1,6000 times per minute! If this seems complicated, don't worry. You don't really have to understand it because the controls will do their job and the helicopter will fly with or without your technical knowledge of how they operate. You get to do the fun part!

Is there really any information about RC Helicopter that is nonessential? We all see things from different angles, so something relatively insignificant to one may be crucial to another.

Picco Z Mini RC Toy Helicopter by paul79uf


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